Friday, May 20, 2005

Blake Island Blackbird

Originally uploaded by Au_Kalan.
The winds picked up even more and I was trapped on Blake Island. I used this time to have a good lunch and a nap. A crow came by to visit and try to steel my food every time I tried to nap or when I turned my back to get something. The crow was quite the bold little fellow. A few hours latter the wind died down some and I was able to make it to Ken and Meg’s on Bainbridge Island. Again my friends treated me to a feast that could not be beat. If this keeps up I will gain weight on this trip.

I was worried that it would be windy the next day, blocking me from doing the crossing to Seattle. I was relieved to wake up to total quiet, a perfect sunny day for paddling. I make the crossing to Alki Bakery for breakfast and then over to Golden Gardens, Seattle, where Mary Lou picked me up.

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